

“හිඟන්නාගේ පාත්තරේට හෙනහුරා කඩන් වැටුනා වගේ” (ද?)

5 replies on “සාක්!”

There is an importance grouping up with other nearby countries against terrorism.I heard even the China has requested the membership. Basically, all these SAARC countries are alike in many aspects. People are against the powerful impacts of the West. So it will be a great thing to team up in resolving issues rather than standing against them as a single nation.
The problem is if the gov. really wants to stop the war, how far can we trust it? Am not against govt nor biased…my wish is this country should be freed from the clutches of terrorism, its promoters, and Western impacts..I would clap any gov. who would understand if the gov. really wanted to persuade other south Asian leaders against terrorism, get their backup etc. no matter at any cost gov. has to do it..cos it will be an investment..if it works it will be great.!

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